Tracking my progress in Texas Hold'em
Bankroll: $2,568.71
Published on April 27, 2006 By PacDragon In Gaming
Well, Tuesday night didn't really go as planned. I started off winning $120 in about 15 minutes, which was awesome. I figured I'd reach my goal in no time. It was less awesome when I gave all of that back over the next hour. It was totally devoid of awesomeness when I ended up $100 behind by the hour after that. I fought my way back up to even before I went to bed, but it was still pretty disappointing to spend all that time with nothing to show for it. My goal was still a long way off.

Last night went much better. Again, I got $140 pretty quickly. I decided to take a break with my winnings, have dinner, relax a bit, and then jumped back in. I managed to get my total winnings up to $217 before I quit for the night.

I'm now only $783 away from my major goal ($283 away from my minor goal). Assuming things go well tonight & tomorrow night, I shouldn't have any trouble paying for that $1,000 buy-in.

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